With its distinct coloration and apex predator status, Orcinus orca is one of the most easily recognizable cetaceans on the planet. However, research from all corners of Planet Orca suggests that this species is facing numerous and varied threats. This blog will track the ongoing research and issues, with the conservation actions you can take.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Swimming with Orca

I had the privilege of meeting Ingrid at the BLUE Ocean Film Festival this week. I was truly inspired by her determination to work with New Zealand orca, and after reading her book, even more impressed with her tenacity and spirit.

If you ever had any doubt that you can't follow your passion and make it your work, this is a book for you. I'm going to keep it on my nightstand as a daily reminder that hard work and perseverance and dogged determination can win the day. The Orca Research Trust is an amazing accomplishment, not to mention getting this orca recognized as under threat. I'm sure I'll return to Ingrid's work many, many times.

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